Our greatest gifts often lie dormant as hidden truths and forgotten memories.
Bringing them to the life is a choice.
~ an 18-Week journey into your true self ~
Call forth your Soul force and liberate your light & wisdom.
Learn how to guide your mind as well as your creative energy.
Reconnect with your Divine Self and re-member & embody who you truly are.
You and I are Beautiful Eternal, Infinite and Creator Beings.
Most of us have forgotten who we are and don't live from our full Soul's expression.
We don't remember that we came to play, to love, to experience & express our unique essence.
We have lost the wisdom of how to use our innate energy to create and be a vessel for Life.
With our very own body, mind, soul & spirit as well as the intelligence of our energy body, we have everything we need to rise above challenges, transform what is not working, and live our lives in harmony, freedom, abundance and peace.
At this time, as external conditions seem increasingly challenging, we are asked to evolve into sovereign and awake individuals, to collaborate with one another and create solutions for all living beings.
It is time to call back our Soul, our wisdom, our deeper power.
It is time to remember who we really are, to live in integrity & compassion, and to use our immense potential for the greater and higher good of All.
It is time to stop giving our power away to the external, to know and trust our own inner truth, to activate our greater abilities, and to live our full expression as the loving, conscious and more than capable human beings we have always been.
No Matter What Our Story Is, We Are Greater Than Our Challenges,
And We Came To Shine.
What are YOU here to experience, to realize and to give?
serves as a doorway to your greater expression, understanding as well as experience of Life.
It is a portal through which you will meet more of yourself and come away with greater self knowledge, self love and personal power.
It offers an activation of your light as well as an opportunity to co-create with members of your own Soul family.
It's purpose is to awaken your Divine blueprint and to empower your Soul’s intentions for being here at this time.
Soul Remembrance is a catalyst and gateway to walk and welcome yourself home - together as One.
Call Back Your Essence
​​Open your heart & Receive what is Your Birthright
Understand how Healing & Transformation works and know it in your bones
Realize what has Held You Back from living the life you’d love and let it go
Reclaim who you are Without any Conditioning
Deepen your relationship with the Natural & Spiritual Realm
Learn how to cultivate and Guide Your Creative Energy with purpose
Turn stress, triggers and trauma into Confidence, Wisdom and Inner Peace
Become a super-conductor for higher consciousness and Know Your Purpose
Remember that Everything You Want or Need Is Already Here and how you access it
Feel the love & support from our Community, connect & collaborate
"As Claudia guided us through different places and experiences, the images and sensations of those places were so close and real. I could see, feel and sense everything in a very heightened way, drinking it all in with every pore and sense imaginable. It was so familiar, so comfortable and so beautiful." ~ HS
Class date & time
Wednesdays, 11 am - 12 pm MST (10 - 11 am PT, 1 - 2 pm EST, 7 - 8 pm CET)
The next class begins on August 30th of 2023 - the day of the Full Blue and 2nd Super Moon.
During each class, I will share the week’s teachings, tools and practice.
There will also be time for Q&A as well as connection.
The recordings of all live calls will be made available to you.
Early bird registration available until July 4th of 2023: $888.
Regular cost $999.
If you refer a friend and grow our circle, email me and receive $111 as a Thank You from me.
Here is a preview of the weekly content.

If you would like to receive additional individual support from me, you can

Learn how to GUIDE Your Energy, for you are the Archer, the Arrow, the Target and the Bow.
Do you have questions about the class?
Feel free to email me at skye@skyevizion.com
or book a 30 minute consultation.