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The Conscious Co-Creation Code - Level Three

Welcome to the third level of this work where you will learn how to


  • Tune into Divine Wisdom and Cosmic Truth


  • Deepen your innate relationship with and capacity for Life, Love and Light and widen your field of allies and support for your vision.


  • Co-create with the world of nature, spirit and the wisdom of your Heart.

IntroductionDr. Claudia Zimmermann
00:00 / 03:11
How Cosmic Truth or Divine Wisdom is communicatedDr. Claudia Zimmermann
00:00 / 21:53
How we communicate with LifeDr. Claudia Zimmermann
00:00 / 05:46
The promise of our upper elixir fieldDr. Claudia Zimmermann
00:00 / 20:32
The promise of our middle elixir fieldDr. Claudia Zimmermann
00:00 / 20:33
The promise of our lower elixir fieldDr. Claudia Zimmermann
00:00 / 20:23
The promise of the Earth StarDr. Claudia Zimmermann
00:00 / 21:29
The promise of our Soul StarDr. Claudia Zimmermann
00:00 / 24:17
Introduction to the Co-Creation with Life MeditationDr. Claudia Zimmermann
00:00 / 14:42
ConclusionDr. Claudia Zimmermann
00:00 / 09:19

If you would like to go deeper, heal truly and bring your Self to your most potent and creative state,

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