for the Hero's Journey of knowing, cultivating and embodying one's true Self.
Transformational Healing
1 hr1 h
Depends on service.
Depends on service.
By business address or virtual.
Service Description
In my healing practice, I use different techniques like Acupuncture, Shamanic Healing, Allergy Elimination as well as Quantum Healing to help you with your symptoms as well as to get to the very core that is causing the health issue.
I also offer Coaching to empower you to be a conscious and active partner on your own journey to greater health and vitality -- and I find this to be an invaluable and deeply empowering aspect of the healing journey.
"The time will come when the work of the physician will not be to treat and attempt to heal the body, but to heal the mind, which in turn will heal the body." Ralph Waldo Trine